

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

About Tokyo University of Marine Science and TechnologyEmployee Recruitment

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology formulated the Vision 4 Action Plan in 2040, and faculty and staff are working together to promote university reforms.We are looking for faculty members, ship staff, etc. who can be involved in university management with us.

Call for applications for a postdoctoral researcher (Marine Biological Resources Division, Aquatic Physiology Laboratory) (Application deadline: February 7.2.20, XNUMX)

Recruitment of researchers and technical staff

Job category

doctor student

of people

1 people

Assigned to

Aquatic Physiology Laboratory, Division of Marine Bioresources




  • 腾博会官网98857年4月時点で博士号を取得していること
  • 水産系、農学系大学を卒業のこと

Employment period

August 7, 4 to March 1, 8

*After April 8, 4, there is a possibility that the employment will be renewed for up to two years from the date of initial employment.

* Trial period: 3 months

Scheduled work location

Tateyama Station
(〒294-0308 千葉県館山坂田670)

Salary, etc.

  • 日給 9,014~18,398円(経歴等により決定)
  • Allowance: Payment of commuting allowance (payment of allowance only when requirements are met)
  • 保険:社会保険(健康保険?厚生年金)、雇用保険、労災保険加入(勤務日数によっては加入の必要無し)

Working hours, etc.

  • Working hours: 8:30-17:15 (break time 12:00-13:00)
  • Working days: week5Day
  • Holidays: Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, and days designated by the president

 * Due to business reasons, work on holidays, overtime, and breaks may change.

Documents to be submitted

(XNUMX) Resume (commercially available format, photo attached)

 *If you are hired, we may ask for a certificate of employment or a certificate of graduation/completion for salary calculation purposes.

(2) If you have any qualifications that are deemed necessary for the job, please provide a copy of them.

(110) A reply envelope for notifying the acceptance or rejection of your application (standard-sized envelope with XNUMX yen postage and address written on it)

 * Submitted documents will not be returned regardless of acceptance or rejection.We will dispose of it responsibly.

Document submission destination

Goro Yoshizaki, Department of Marine Biological Resources, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

108-8477-4 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 5-7

※「博士研究員(海洋生物資源学部門水族生理学研究室)応募書類 在中」と朱書きして送付すること。

Application deadline

Thursday, August 7, 2 (mail only, must arrive by this date)

Screening method

After screening the documents, we will interview the successful applicants and make the final decision.

The date and time of the interview will be notified separately to those who have passed the document screening.

Applicants will be responsible for all necessary expenses such as travel expenses and accommodation expenses for selection.

Notification of selection results

Applicants will be notified of acceptance or rejection in early July 7.


President of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology


Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Professor Goro Yoshizaki

108-8477-4 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 5-7

TEL 03-5463-0558


  • Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology established the "Declaration of Action for Gender Equality" to promote gender equality, including support for women's research.
  • 東京海洋大学では、健康増進法の一部改正および東京都受動喫煙防止条例の制定(いずれも腾博会官网98852年4月1日全面施行予定)の趣旨(原則キャンパス内禁煙)を踏まえ、受動喫煙防止の徹底に取り組んでいます。

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