About Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
President Selection and Supervisory Board
Related regulations
- National University Corporation Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology President Selection and Inspection Council Rules.pdf
- National University Corporation Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology President Selection Regulations.pdf
- Regulations on the term of office of the president of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (5-present) (applies to the next president)
- Regulations on the term of office of the president of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (until FY4) (PDF) *Applies to the current president
- Regarding the Reappointment of the President of National University Corporation Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology.pdf
Reiwa 6nd year
- Minutes of the 6nd President Selection and Supervision Meeting in 2 (R6.9.18).pdf
- Minutes of the 6nd President Selection and Supervision Meeting in 1 (R6.6.27).pdf
Reiwa 5nd year
- Confirmation of business execution status (interim evaluation) of the President of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology.pdf
- Regarding the extension of the term of office of the president of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology.pdf
- List of 5 President Selection/Inspection Council Members
- Minutes of the 5nd President Selection and Supervision Meeting in 4 (R6.3.11).pdf
- Minutes of the 5nd President Selection and Supervision Meeting in 3 (R6.1.31).pdf
- Minutes of the 5nd President Selection and Supervision Meeting in 2 (R5.9.20).pdf
- Minutes of the 5nd President Selection and Supervision Meeting in 1 (R5.6.26).pdf
Reiwa 4nd year
- Regarding confirmation of the status of business execution in FY4
- 4 President Selection and Supervisory Committee Member List.pdf
- Minutes of the 4nd President Selection and Supervision Meeting in 3 (R5.3.20).pdf
- Minutes of the 4nd President Selection and Supervision Meeting in 2 (R5.1.30).pdf
- Minutes of the 4nd President Selection and Supervision Meeting in 1 (R4.6.6).pdf
Reiwa 3nd year
- 3 President Selection Committee Member List.pdf
- Minutes of the 3nd President Selection Meeting in 2.pdf
- Minutes of the 3nd President Selection Meeting in 1.pdf
Reiwa 2nd year
○Selection of candidates for the next president
- The ideal image of the president of the National University Corporation Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology.pdf
- Selection result, selection process, selection reason.pdf
- 2 President Selection Committee Member List (R2.10.6 at the time of re-election).pdf
- 2 President Selection Committee Member List (R2.9.1 at the time of re-election).pdf
- 2 President Selection Committee Member List.pdf
- Minutes of the 2nd President Selection Meeting in 5.pdf
- Minutes of the 2nd President Selection Meeting in 4.pdf
- Minutes of the 2nd President Selection Meeting in 3.pdf
- Minutes of the 2nd President Selection Meeting in 2.pdf
- Minutes of the 2nd President Selection Meeting in 1.pdf
Fiscal year 1
- 31 President Selection Committee Member List.pdf
- Proceedings of the 1st Academic Year XNUMX President Selection Meeting.pdf
- 30 President Selection Committee Member List.pdf
- 30 2nd President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 30 1nd President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 29 President Selection Committee Member List.pdf
- 29 5nd President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 29 4nd President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 29 3nd President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 29 2nd President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 29 1nd President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 28 President Selection Committee Member List.pdf
- 28 5nd President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 28 4nd President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 28 3nd President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 28 2nd President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 28 1nd President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 26 7th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 26 6th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 26 5th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 26 4th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 26 3th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 26 2th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 26 1th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 23 4th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 23 3th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 23 2th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 23 1th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 21 4th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 21 3th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 21 2th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 21 1th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 20 6th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 20 5th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 20 4th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 20 3th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 20 2th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 20 1th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 19 3th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 19 2th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 19 1th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 17 3th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 17 2th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 17 1th President Selection Meeting Minutes.pdf
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