

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology


Overseas high school students visited our university under the JST Sakura Science High School Program

International exchange / study abroad

 On April 2023, 4, 18 high school students and teaching staff from Argentina, Chile, Nepal and Brazil visited our university under the JST Sakura Science High School Program.

 This program is planned by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), and invites excellent high school students from overseas to Japan for a week. We aim to contribute to the development of global science and technology by increasing interest in technology and growing into the excellent overseas human resources needed by Japanese universities, research institutes, and companies in the future.

 At our university, Associate Professor Perez Iván Antonio Labé (Department of Food Production Science) gave an overview of our university and the research contents of Associate Professor Labé. After listening to a presentation including his experiences, we visited the breeding room of Professor Carlos Augusto (Division of Marine Bioresources), the breeding laboratory of Associate Professor Minoru Haga (Department of Marine Bioresources), and the Marine Science Museum. Did.The students listened intently to the lecturers' explanations and actively asked questions.

 We will continue to actively cooperate with global human resource development projects.


10. Commemorative photo with Associate Professor Rabe (edited).jpg
Group photo

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View of Professor Stolsman's breeding room

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Associate Professor Haga visiting the breeding laboratory

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At the Marine Science Museum