

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology


Presented a letter of appreciation to Professor HUH of Korea Ocean University

International exchange / study abroad

20238Month7Sun (Mon), Korea Maritime University (KMOU)ofHUH CheolPresident Toshio Iseki presented the professor with a letter of appreciation and a commemorative gift.

HuhThe professor is involved in the educational exchange program "OQEANOUS Plus(Oceanus Plus) Program (2021Selected by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as a consortium universityKMOUAs a representative teacher of the predecessor "OQEANOUSprogram(2016Since the start of the program, we have consistently made efforts to ensure the smooth implementation of the program.

Joint degree program (DDP) and international collaborative education programs (IJP) to send students from our university toKMOUwas.In particular, even under the circumstances where it was difficult to travel abroad due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, the university welcomed our students and received generous support for immigration procedures.In addition, when a dispatched student was infected with the new coronavirus, he took care of the student and quarantined him carefully.

October7All consortiums7Universities (Japan, China, Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia)6country)OQEANOUS PlusIt was the first face-to-face conference held at our university.HuhThe university would like to take this opportunity of the professor's visit to our university to express its gratitude for his efforts thus far.

We will continue toKMOUand in close cooperation with other consortium universities,OQEANOUS PlusWe will continue to promote the program.

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Presentation ceremony

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From left: Executive Vice President for Education and International Affairs Maita,HuhProfessor, President Iseki


[Reference] OQEANOUS Plus Program:https://www.g2.kaiyodai.ac.jp/oqeanous