

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology


[May 5] Professor Goro Yoshizaki will be on stage at the Nikkei SDGs Festival "University SDGs Conference"

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 Professor Goro Yoshizaki, Director of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Research Institute of Aquatic Reproductive Technology / Department of Marine Bioresources, will be on stage at the Nikkei SDGs Festival to be held from May 5th (Monday) to 5th (Saturday), 8.
Introducing the latest research that our university is working on to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Program to be presented: "University SDGs Conference"
Date and time of presentation: Saturday, May 5, 5, 13:15-35:15
How to watch: Online
Admission: Free
Official website (application):Nikkei SDGs Festival “University SDGs Conference”

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Institute for Reproductive Biotechnology for Aquatic Species
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology and SDGs No one will be left behind.voice from the sea