

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology


Marine Entrepreneurship Training Seminar: Marine Entrepreneurship Theory I will be held

Student life Current students
Dear students of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

At Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology,2023In the second half of the academic year, we will also hold a marine entrepreneurship training seminar for undergraduate and graduate students at our university: Maritime Entrepreneurship Theory.Iwill be held.
Many students have been taking this course since 2021.
The course is free of charge, and the contents include basic seminars related to entrepreneurship and a business plan contest.
In basic seminars, you can learn not only basic knowledge about companies and businesses, but also specialized examples and know-how from experienced external lecturers!
On November 11th and 9th, we will also be holding a workshop-style seminar produced by Dentsu to generate business ideas.
We hope that many students will participate this year as well.
As the first seminar, we will provide guidance as shown below, so if you are interested, please join us! 
Please see the leaflet for details.


11Month2Sun (Thursday)1620Minutes ~1750It will be held in minutes. (online)
followingformsPlease apply from here.
*Application deadline is11It's 1:17 on Wednesday, the XNUMXst of the month.

[Seminar Outline]

?Course Fee: Free
?Number of people accepted:50First name
?Lecture format: Basically online
?Lecture schedule (*planned)
 No. 01 Guidance ~ Modern society, oceans, fisheries, and entrepreneurship
 No. 02 Generating business ideas ~ IDEATION FACTORY 1
 No. 03 Generating business ideas ~ IDEATION FACTORY 2
 No. 04: Learn about corporate forms, structures, and business
 No. 05: Understanding marketing
 No. 06: Understanding human resources management and communication
 07th “Creating a Business ~ Business Plan Contest” (Interim Presentation)
 No. 08: Understanding corporate finance (tax accounting, financial accounting, management accounting)
 No. 09: Understanding corporate legal affairs (registration, contracts, compliance, litigation)
 No. 10: Understanding corporate financing ~ Investments, loans, financial aid, and subsidies
 Part 11: Learn about starting a startup business
 12th consultation meeting
 No. 13: Understanding a company's intellectual property strategy - how not to infringe or be infringed
 14th Business Plan Contest (Final Presentation)
 15th Retrospective and Business Plan Contest Awards

[What is the Marine Entrepreneurship Training Seminar? ]

Entrepreneur is a word that refers to a human resource who is able to start or create new businesses on their own.
The marine industry, in which our university is deeply involved, is now entering the era of the ``blue ocean,'' which is creating new value and business.
In the marine industry, including the maritime and fisheries fields, governments, private companies, NPOs, and NGOs are working to resolve various issues and develop initiatives aimed at further development.At the same time, attempts are being made to create new ocean-related products and services in response to increasingly diverse and sophisticated consumer needs. 
The people who will open up this era will be ``sea entrepreneurs'' who can solve social issues related to the ocean and create new value and business.
The term "entrepreneur" here includes people who create and promote new businesses as members of companies or governments, and there is a strong demand from society for them to do so.It is also the mission of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology to develop such human resources.
Therefore, our university is holding a special lecture entitled "Marine Entrepreneurship Training Seminar: Maritime Entrepreneurship Theory" for students who are interested in creating and promoting new businesses, starting businesses, establishing NPOs, etc. in the marine industry. will be held.
Although no credits are awarded, this is an open course that can be attended free of charge by any student affiliated with our university.Would you like to have fun learning the basic knowledge to become an active ``sea entrepreneur'' with our enthusiastic instructors?
Additionally, during the seminar, we will hold a business plan contest where you can utilize the basic knowledge you have acquired, create ideas, and gain experience in putting them into practice.


     Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Promotion of Industry-Academia-Regional Collaboration Marine Entrepreneurship Training Program (MEP)Secretariat
     Person in charge: Naotomo Nakahara, Aiko Shitara
     e-mail: mepinfo@m.kaiyodai.ac.jp
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