

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology


The commendation ceremony for students in the March term of 4 was held

Student life

 The March 4 Student Commendation Ceremony, Academic Outstanding Student Scholarship Award Ceremony, and Awards Ceremony for Academic Awards, etc. were held (March 3, 5)

○Student Commendation (Faculty)

Undergraduate students who have studied hard since admission and have achieved excellent academic results, based on Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology's student commendation rules.8A certificate of commendation and a commemorative gift were given to each of the names in recognition of their daily efforts.

President Iseki (front row, center) and the award-winning student.jpg
President Iseki (front row, center) and award-winning students

○Student Award (Graduate School)

Students who have achieved particularly remarkable research results in their research activities based on Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology's student commendation rules16A certificate of commendation and a commemorative gift were given to each of the names in recognition of their daily efforts.
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President Iseki (front row, center) and award-winning students

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President Iseki and award-winning students

○Academic Excellence Scholarship Award Ceremony

Master's course with excellent grades based on Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology's scholarship rules for academically outstanding students2Students who are enrolled for the first year and proceed to the doctoral program8and those who have passed the National Public Service Employment Career Track Examination7A list of scholarships was awarded to Mr.

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President Iseki (front row, center) and award-winning students


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President Iseki (front row, center) and award-winning students

○ Awards Ceremony for Academic Awards

 Undergraduate students with outstanding academic achievements21first name, graduate student2The following certificates of commendation and supplementary prizes were awarded to each of the academic societies listed below.

  •  Kaiyokai "Kaiyokai Award"
  •  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers "Hatakeyama Award"
  •  Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers "Scholarship Medal"
  •  Japan Institute of Navigation "Scholarship Badge"
  •  Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan "Promotion Award Student Award"
  •  Maritime Education Foundation "President's Award"
  •  Japan Society of Marine Engineering "Outstanding Student Encouragement Award"(Yamashita Isamu Award)'
  •  Japan Society of Marine Engineering "Outstanding Graduate Student Encouragement Award"(Hayashi Shunichi Award)'
  •  Japan Logistics Society "Logistics Research Encouragement Award"

 This year, in order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection, we were unable to invite guests from academic societies, etc., so the certificate of commendation was presented on behalf of President Iseki.

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President Iseki (front row, center) and award-winning students


○Rakusuikai Encouragement Award Ceremony

 Undergraduate students recognized for their diligence in academic research and achievement of excellent grades5first name, graduate student1Undergraduate students who actively participated in study abroad support activities and committee activities1first name, graduate student1A marine science course student who achieved excellent grades and demonstrated leadership by bringing together students in the course1A certificate of commendation and a commemorative gift were awarded to the winner.

This year, in order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection, we were unable to invite guests from academic societies, etc., so the certificate of commendation was presented on behalf of President Iseki.

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President Iseki (front row, center) and award-winning students