- 2020/ 7/ 15 News
- [Delivery class] We held a class on "2nd! Isoyake" at Kesennuma Municipal Otani Junior High School.
- 2020/ 7/ 10 News
- We cooperated with the Kesennuma City School Teachers Regional Workshop (also training for first-timers).
- 2020/ 6/ 22 News
- [Delivery class] We held a class on "isoyake" at Kesennuma Municipal Otani Junior High School.
- December 2020, 6 News
- [Regarding the reopening of the Kesennuma Fisheries Promotion Information Center]
- 2020/ 5/ 21 News
- Measures to prevent new coronavirus infection and spread (Request for cooperation) (3rd report)
- December 2020, 5 News
- Cancellation of visitor support due to new coronavirus infection prevention measures (notice) (XNUMXnd report) [period extension]
- 2020/ 4/ 13 News
- Cancellation of visitor support due to new coronavirus infection prevention measures (Notice)
- December 2020, 4 News
- Closing of Kesennuma City Fisheries Promotion Center