[On-site class] We held a class on "Global Warming" at Oshima Elementary School in Kesennuma City.
2020/ 11/ 20
On Thursday, November 11, XNUMXnd year of Reiwa, a lecture was given to XNUMX XNUMXth graders from Kesennuma Municipal Oshima Elementary School by Hiroshi Yamakawa, a visiting researcher of our university, on the topic of "The effects of rising sea temperatures due to global warming and the sea around Oshima and Kesennuma." About state", we carried out home delivery of cooked foods lesson.
This class was planned as part of the "Integrated Study Time" class at Oshima Elementary School, which is engaged in marine education, and is designed to help students understand "global warming," which has been raised as a global environmental problem. It's meant to deepen.
In class, Professor Yamakawa talked about the cause of global warming. In recent years, due to global warming, the Kuroshio has been gaining momentum due to the fact that the temperature has risen steadily, and the relationship between the Oyashio and the Kuroshio, which are the main ocean currents off the coast of Miyagi Prefecture. I learned that the coastal water temperature has started to rise because of the rising tide.
Since then, rising sea temperatures due to global warming have had a major impact on the lives of people living in coastal areas. It was introduced that we are promoting efforts to regenerate seaweed beds using arame.
Children learn that seaweed in the shallow waters of the ocean is CO2It plays a role in fixing and retaining carbon in seawater (blue carbon). I could see that they were actively trying to learn about the sea.
At the Sanriku Satellite, we will continue to actively support research activities for marine education in the region.
State of class