

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

Research / social collaborationSocial contributions

Public lecture information

At our university, we hold public lectures for the general public with the aim of providing opportunities for lifelong learning to the local community.

Reiwa 6nd year

Course nameScheduleEligible personsWanted periodRemarks
"Information and chart work necessary for safe navigation" Saturday, February 6rd, 11rd year of Reiwa  General public (adults and their families) July 2024nd (Thursday) -July 9th (Friday), 5 Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology will hold an open lecture entitled "Information and chartwork necessary for safe navigation" in 6.
"Information and chart work necessary for safe navigation" July 6, 7 (Monday/Holiday)  General public (junior high school students) July 2024nd (Thursday) -July 5th (Friday), 10 Ended.

Reiwa 5nd year

Course nameScheduleEligible personsWanted periodRemarks
“Logistics 2024 problem and the latest data science” Friday, March 5, 11rd year of Reiwa  general citizen July 2023nd (Thursday) -July 9th (Friday), 28 Ended.

Reiwa 4nd year

Course nameScheduleEligible personsWanted periodRemarks
"Next-generation power generation technology using seawater" Saturday, February 4rd, 11rd year of Reiwa  general citizen October 4 (Wednesday) to November 10 (Tuesday) 26:11, 15 Ended.

Reiwa 3nd year

Course nameScheduleEligible personsWanted periodRemarks
"Future of marine space utilization" Saturday, February 3rd, 7rd year of Reiwa   General public (high school students and above) Friday, June 3, 6 to Saturday, July 25, 17:16 Ended.

Year of the reunification

Course nameScheduleEligible personsWanted periodRemarks
"The world of underwater exploration that makes you want to talk to someone" Saturday, July 7th to Sunday, July 6th, 7   General public (high school students and above) Monday, June 6, 10 to Wednesday, June 6, 19:17 Ended.   


Course nameScheduleEligible personsWanted periodRemarks
"English talk required for navigators          Saturday, July 30th to Sunday, July 7th, 7   General public (high school students and above) Monday, June 30, 6 to Wednesday, June 11, 6:20 Ended.   


Course nameScheduleEligible personsWanted periodRemarks
"The story of a ship's engine" -Learn about cutting-edge technology- Saturday, July 29th to Sunday, July 7th, 8 General public (high school students and above) Monday, June 29, 6 to Friday, June 5, 6 Ended.


Course nameScheduleEligible personsWanted periodRemarks
"The Job of a Captain" July 28th (Monday) to July 7th (Friday), 4 General public (high school students and above) July 28th (Monday) to July 6th (Friday), 6 Ended.
“Efforts to Develop Fisheries Technology, etc. to Support Earthquake Reconstruction” May 28, 10 (Saturday) General public (high school students and above) September 28th (Tuesday) to October 9st (Friday), 20 Ended.


Course nameScheduleEligible personsWanted periodRemarks
“Sustainably Eating Fish – Present and Future of Aquaculture Production” Saturday, August 27th to Sunday, August 8th, 8 General public (high school students and above) July 27th (Monday) to July 7th (Friday), 6 Ended.
"Forefront of Ships and Marine Machinery Systems from the Viewpoint of Marine Mechanical Engineering" July 27th (Mon) to July 7th (Sat), 6 General public (high school students and above) July 27th (Monday) to July 6th (Friday), 8 Ended.


Course nameScheduleEligible personsWanted periodRemarks
"Introduction to Cetacean Science Sequel" Saturday, August 27th to Sunday, August 1th, 17 General public (high school students and above) December 26st (Monday) to December 12th (Thursday), 1 Ended.
"Easy maritime technology course supporting ocean development and ocean observation" July 26th (Mon) to July 7th (Sat), 7 General public (high school students and above) Must arrive between June 26th (Mon) and 6th (Fri), 9 Ended.


Course nameScheduleEligible personsWanted periodRemarks
"Latest Ocean Exploration/Civil Engineering Technology and Its Sites" July 25th (Mon) to July 7th (Sat), 8 General public (high school students and above) July 25th (Monday) to July 6th (Friday), 10 Ended.
"Introduction to Cetacean Science" Three days, November 25th (Mon), November 11th (Sun), and November 4th (Sat), 11 100 people (for high school students and above) October 25th (Monday) to 10th (Friday), 7 Ended.


Research Planning Section, Research Promotion Division, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
E-mail: ke-ken@o.kaiyodai.ac.jp (Please enter @ in half-width characters)