NEWSSee All News
- 2023.12.12 Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology Companies / researchers Current students
- [Awards and Commendations] Mitsuki Yasuhira (2nd year master's student) received the Student Outstanding Presentation Award at the Marine Biology Symposium of the Oceanographic Society of Japan.
- 2023.12.12 Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology Companies / researchers Current students
- [Awards and Commendations] Mr. Yasuga Abe (2nd year master's student) received the Student/Young Researcher Outstanding Oral Presentation Award at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Breeding.
- 2023.12.12 Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology Companies / researchers Current students
- [Awards and Commendations] Rikuto Fujikata (20st year master's student) received the Excellent Presenter Award at the 2023th Japan Geotechnical Society Kanto Branch Presentation (GeokantoXNUMX).
- 2023.12.11 International exchange / study abroad
- Executive Director of the North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission (NAMMCO) visits our university
- 2023.12.08 Student life Current students
- [Important] On-campus TOEIC (IP) test on Saturday, May 2024, 1
- 2023.12.08 Undergraduate entrance exam Those who want to study at university
- We have announced the successful applicants for the comprehensive selection and school recommendation selection for the Faculty of Marine Life Sciences and the Faculty of Marine Resources and Environment for 2024.
- 2023.12.07 Undergraduate entrance exam Those who want to study at university
- Notice Regarding Special Entrance Examination for Privately Financed International Students in 6
- 2023.12.07 Undergraduate entrance exam Those who want to study at university
- Announcement about general selection in 6 (Raiwa 2024)
- 2023.12.07 Events Current students
- Notification of AY2023 Commencement Ceremony, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
- 2023.12.06 International exchange / study abroad
- Accepted foreign trainees under the project of the Overseas Fishery Cooperation Foundation (OFCF)
- 2023.12.05 Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology Companies / researchers Current students
- [Awards and Commendations] Ryoto Fujishima (1st year master's student) received the Young Presenter Award at the general meeting of the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas "Climate Hotspot 2".
- 2023.12.05 Student life Current students
- The 2024 graduate school master's program (April admission) dormitory recruitment guidelines have been released.
- 2023.12.01 International exchange / study abroad Current students
- [Summer 2024 (July-August)] Recruitment for JICA/University Collaboration "Overseas Cooperation Volunteers" Dispatch Project (St. Lucia) (Internal application deadline: December 7th (Monday) at noon)
- 2023.12.01 Student life Current students
- Announcement of the results of the 2023 first semester class evaluation questionnaire
- 2023.12.01 News Companies / researchers Current students For graduates Local / general people
- Umitakamaru has set sail on its 72nd voyage.
- 2023.12.01 Events Companies / researchers Current students For graduates Local / general people
- [Held on 3/8] Announcement of the 5th Salad Symposium (Free, held at Shinagawa Campus)
- 2023.11.27 Events Companies / researchers Current students Local / general people
- The 2023st Ocean AI Public Seminar in 1 “Latest Case Studies of Ocean-wide Ocean x AI” was held
- 2023.11.27 Events Those who want to study at university Companies / researchers Current students For graduates Local / general people
- [Held on 12/10] 50 Marine College students will participate in the "Morikawa Umimachi Children's Summit 2023" (free, held at Shinagawa campus)
- 2023.11.27 School of Marine Technology Those who want to study at university Current students
- An interview article with students from the Department of Maritime Systems Engineering has been published (J-CREW Project)
- 2023.11.27 International exchange / study abroad
- A delegation from the Minister-Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Japan visits our university
- 2023.11.24 International exchange / study abroad
- 5 Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Exchange Support Project Report 2023 to Promote International Collaborative Research
- 2023.11.24 International exchange / study abroad
- 5 Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Exchange Support Project Report 2023 to Promote International Collaborative Research
- 2023.11.22 Student life Current students
- Regarding entry restrictions on Shinagawa campus and Etchujima campus due to the implementation of common university entrance test in XNUMX (Notice)
- 2023.11.21 Undergraduate entrance exam Those who want to study at university Current students
- An interview article with Professor Toshihide Kitakado, Associate Professor Ivan Rabe Velez, and Associate Professor Motoaki Morita has been published.
- 2023.11.20 Faculty of Marine Resources and Environment Those who want to study at university Companies / researchers
- [Awards and Commendations] Professor Katsuyoshi Toda and others received the Best Paper Award at the 2023 IEEE Industrial Electronics and Application Conference.