Reports on lectures, workshops, etc.
This is a report on the 26th "Highly Specialized Career Formation Theory I/II" and the XNUMXst "Workshop and Conference" (FYXNUMX)
On September XNUMX, XNUMX (Thursday), the XNUMX XNUMXth Advanced Specialized Career Formation Theory and the XNUMXst workshop and discussion were held in Multipurpose Space I on the XNUMXnd floor of Shirataka-kan, Shinagawa Campus.
Deputy Director Kanda of the Career Development Office, who acted as moderator, introduced today's lecture and workshop.
After completing the doctoral course, there are various routes to being active in society.Development consultants are also a strong target, so we asked Mr. Hiroaki Terashima to give a lecture.In addition, Ms. Keiko Sakurai will report her long-term internship experience.
First, Mr. Ogawa, Director of the Career Development Office, gave words of gratitude to the guests from the companies in his opening remarks.
●Efforts to train coordinators in the Sanriku Reconstruction Assistance Project were introduced.
I also consider a coordinator position to support researchers as a new career in graduate school.The Advanced Specialized Career Formation Theory is also being planned with the aim of letting students know various places where they can play an active role.Also, interaction between students and companies is important, and I would like students to actively participate in workshops.
Part XNUMX Advanced Specialized Career Formation Theory
"Regarding international cooperation work"
~ The work of a development consultant ~
Mr. Hiroaki Terashima(President and Representative Director of IC Net Co., Ltd.)
●Mr. Hiroaki Terashima of IC Net Co., Ltd. was on stage.
ODA (Official Development Aid) is official development assistance, and it goes to developing countries and helps them in various ways.Today, I will explain the work in the field of fisheries cooperation.In international cooperation, JICA plans and formulates what kind of project it will be after an agreement is reached between the governments.The people who actually work in the field are development consultants from private companies and people from ministries and agencies, and university professors sometimes cooperate. The annual ODA budget is about XNUMX trillion yen, which accounts for less than XNUMX% of the national budget, and has the aspect of protecting Japan's benefits.
●Next, there was an introduction to the actual business content.
① First, the case in Senegal was introduced with a photograph.
Recently, catches have decreased, and resource management has not been successful.Japan provided a survey ship and conducted surveys with local people.At this time, it is also important to teach the method of resource survey.Ultimately, it can be said to be a success if it goes as far as creating a policy plan for the country's fisheries and resource management.
② Next, a case in the Philippines was introduced with a photograph.
The productivity of milkfish farming was low, and the deterioration of water quality was also a problem.For this reason, the final goal was to make recommendations for aquaculture administration.In reality, there were many problems, such as the lack of motivation of the local staff and the large deficit in the aquaculture business.
(XNUMX) Next, a case study in Kiribati was introduced with photographs.
The EEZ is very wide, and for Japan, it is an important country for fishing such as tuna.The number of corals is decreasing due to the rise in seawater temperature, etc., and the amount of fishery resources is also decreasing.This is also a common problem in the countries of Oceania.For this reason, we held a workshop on how to manage resources by fisheries cooperatives.
④In addition, examples from Tunisia and Mindanao were introduced with photographs.
Development consultants also attend meetings to publicize Japan's activities, make presentations at academic conferences, and exchange information with people involved in ODA from around the world and the World Bank.In the past, the goal was to increase the catch.Today, it is important to improve the livelihoods of local people through resource management and moderation in harvesting.
● "International cooperation in the field of fisheries is wide-ranging. What we are doing at the University of Marine Science and Technology is a fisheries development consultant, and there are needs in every field."
At first, I was not interested in international cooperation, and after graduating from university, I got a job at a private research company.After returning to graduate school, he participated in technology transfer guidance and policy proposals in Mauritius through JICA's dispatch of experts.
Field experience is required, so there are few people who become development consultants immediately after graduating from a fisheries university.In fact, it seems that he has gone through a wide variety of career paths.It seems like I took a detour at that time, but I think that it is because of that experience that I am able to play an active role now.
Language proficiency is the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to the abilities and human resources required of development consultants.And more important than that is the ability to communicate.It is very important to accurately convey what you are thinking to the other person and to accurately understand what the other person is thinking.Then there is the knowledge and experience in the specialized field.Finally, I think that it will be difficult if you don't have the feeling of thinking about the people of the country and the passion to make things better.I think Mr. Sakurai will talk about his passion in his experiences later.
●Next, there was a question and answer period.
Q: How many development consultants are there in Japan? (Mr. Kanda)
[Mr. Terashima] I don't know the exact number, but there are about XNUMX large and small companies.
Part XNUMX Workshop (long-term internship report)
“In technical cooperation projects
Learning through Development Consulting Work
Keiko Sakurai(XNUMXnd year doctoral course student)
●Next, Mr. Sakurai took the podium.
I participated in a long-term internship at IC Net until March this year.Her training location was Madagascar, and her job was 'Training Management and Business Coordination'.
In Madagascar, fires and logging are reducing natural forests by XNUMX% per year.As a result, sediment flows downstream, impeding irrigation in rice-growing areas and adversely affecting rice production.Life in the upper reaches is poor, and logging cannot be stopped easily.The project was about how to approach this situation.
●The long-term internship was introduced with photos.
● “I realized that acquiring new knowledge is the ore that gives birth to new ideas.”
What I learned through the internship was "learning with humility".Second, communication is an important tool.The third is to set difficult goals, not achievable goals.The fourth is to return to principles.Finally, don't be afraid to go through the PDCA cycle with a sense of speed.I think that these are also related to research in some ways.
●As a development consultant with a Ph.D....
In the future, I would like to improve my language skills (English and French).And I would like to focus on obtaining a doctorate in order to be involved in the economic development of a certain country in a responsible position.I would like to be aware of the joy of learning, always learning, keep obtaining a wide range of information, and actively develop myself.As a development consultant with a doctorate, I believe that I can play a role in connecting research and practical applications in the field of international cooperation.
●Professor Kanda expressed his gratitude for the interesting and reliable presentation.
●Next, there was a question and answer period. (only part of it is posted)
Q: How does Madagascar coordinate aid from other countries?
[Mr. Terashima] Since the political change five years ago, Japan has started to support the primary industry as the top donor.
Question: Why did you decide to join the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers after graduating from undergraduate school?
[Mr.Sakurai] When I entered the school, I wanted to work at an aquarium, but I learned about international cooperation for the first time from a TV program.She joined the Japan Cooperation Volunteers to see what kind of work it is possible to do in a developing country.Q: What was the impact after participating?
[Mr. Sakurai] I thought about studying abroad because language skills are important, but I thought it would be embarrassing to go abroad as a Japanese expert and not know about the Japanese fisheries industry, so I entered the University of Marine Science and Technology.
Question: After going to Madagascar for three months, what was the hardest and most difficult thing for you?
[Mr. Sakurai] I often stumbled over communication. I couldn't even tell you, 'There's something like this behind the background I want to give you.'At that time, he wanted to acquire language skills.
●Following the question and answer session, Professor Kanda asked the participants to fill out a questionnaire and distributed pamphlets for the next lecture.
●Finally, as closing remarks for the lecture and workshop, Prof. Takeuchi thanked the speakers, explained the handouts, and introduced the contents of the next lecture.
Part XNUMX Social gathering
●Next, we moved to the venue for a social gathering, where active exchanges of opinions took place between business people and students.