Reports on lectures, workshops, etc.
This is the report of the 26th Lecture on "Highly Specialized Career Formation Theory I/II" (FYXNUMX)
On July XNUMX, XNUMX (Thursday), the XNUMX XNUMXth Advanced Specialized Career Formation Theory was held in Multipurpose Space I on the XNUMXnd floor of the Shirataka Building on the Shinagawa Campus.
~What is expected of graduates with a doctoral degree?~
"Working at the forefront of fisheries and marine science"
Mr. Tomoyuki Tanaka
(Marine Work Japan Co., Ltd. Marine Chemistry Division, Earth and Ocean Science Department)
Mr. Kazunori Watanabe
(General Incorporated Association Fisheries Information Service Center Business XNUMX Section Manager)
First, Professor Shiotani, the moderator, thanked the students for attending the lecture despite the approaching typhoon.
It was explained that today's lecture will be given by two doctors in their XNUMXs who are active at the forefront of fisheries and marine science and who are leaders of organizations.
The first speaker, Mr. Tanaka of Marine Work Japan Co., Ltd., took the podium.
After graduating from the former Fisheries University, Mr. Tanaka obtained a doctorate from Nagoya University and started working at his current company XNUMX years ago.
He started by saying, "Today, I would like to talk to you about my career," and began using slides.
When I was a graduate student, I took part in a voyage to the equator, which inspired me to write my dissertation.By advancing to his doctoral course, he felt that he had narrowed his career options, and at the same time, he began to have a career view of ``I want to be a researcher in a job related to the sea.''
Life and Networking in English-Speaking Countries
“My first job was at the Earth Observation Frontier Research Center, where I was a postdoc on a one-year contract. He explained how the research in the equatorial region that he experienced in XNUMX was able to be applied to the Arctic Ocean.
Since then, Mr. Tanaka had a strong desire to become a key researcher in this field.He also said, "At this time, he was able to experience life in an English-speaking country and broaden his social circles."
Jobs with spears
After four years, I returned to Japan and got a job at my current company through an introduction from my supervisor.His job was to launch a promising Chikyu, and it was very hot.The English he learned at his previous job was also useful.At this time, he was determined to make it the best oceanographic observation ship in the world.The opportunity to learn about a completely different science field was a challenge for him, but he was very satisfied with his work.Looking back from when I graduated from university to now, I can see that every five years there have been big changes.What I was doing at university is quite different from what I am doing now, but I am satisfied that I have consistently been involved in "work related to the sea" and "science."
Things to think about, things you need now
"Chikyu" is a fairly large drilling ship, and it is said that it is characterized by being able to dig deep places.In addition, it was introduced that the research section on board is a facility that can handle long columnar samples, and that various research equipment has been introduced. He explained that 'the spirit of hospitality, communication skills, teamwork, and English ability' are important for providing science services on board.Then, the participants, who are about to find a job in the future, raised three things that they must think about now: "ability to see the future, deepen education, and language skills."
Finally, he closed the lecture by asking, "Those who can adapt to change will survive. What do you think?"
【 Question-and-answer session 】
Question: How did you acquire the English skills that are essential for your work?
Mr. Tanaka: I wanted to say that language skills are important, not just English.I think he can learn to speak even if he doesn't go abroad.
Next, Mr. Watanabe from the Fisheries Information Service Center of Japan took the podium.
At the beginning, Mr. Watanabe said, ``My main job is to provide services for fishing boats and fisheries. rice field.
Mr. Watanabe is mainly in charge of Pacific saury among the various fish that the company handles. "Between August and December, the Pacific saury gradually migrates southward from the eastern Hokkaido coast as the water temperature drops. However, last year's slow migration led to fishing grounds farther offshore," said the slide. was explained using
Job to provide fisheries information
“Saury is caught in different places depending on the water temperature, and its distribution changes depending on the state of the stock. My job is to create a distribution map of the sea, which is changing significantly every day, based on information on landings, etc., and provide it to fishermen and distribution processors.” There was an explanation about how it is useful for distributors.
Acquiring doctorate after becoming a member of society
Forecasting of saury fishing conditions requires forecasts of sea conditions and catches.However, forecasting catches has been difficult due to the influence of various factors.Therefore, after consulting with various professors, we finally decided to study the amount of visitor resources.Immediately after graduating from his master's degree, he got a job at his current company and got his Ph.D.Originally, he was thinking of getting a doctorate after he entered society.
The doctor seems to have acquired common sense
People with PhDs should be prepared to be seen as having age-appropriate common sense in addition to knowing everything.Immediately after joining the company, "I don't know anything" won't work, so it's better to study now.If you work for five years after graduating from an undergraduate degree, you will acquire a certain amount of power.A doctor must not be naive.
If you have the opportunity to go out into society, you should do it even if it is a part-time job.Knowing the scene is important.That way, you will be able to see business etiquette and rules.It is necessary to know that on-site work is to proceed with work while working well with various people.Talking to a variety of people will help you build connections, which will be very useful later.
At the end of the lecture, he expressed his expectations for the participants, saying, "In the future, you will be in a position to lead the industry. I hope that you will build the future on your own, acquire true power, and spread your wings." was concluded.
【 Question-and-answer session 】
Question: What made you want to pursue a PhD as a working adult?
Mr. Watanabe: Ever since I was a student, I thought I would one day become a doctor.Luckily, my current company was in an environment where there were people who got their PhDs after entering the workforce.After that, it's up to your will.
Next, Mr. Shiotani asked the two speakers questions on behalf of the participants.
Question XNUMX: “A career is not something you make alone.It is often said that it is something that builds up while building personal connections.If you have any experience with this, would you like to share it with us?Mr. Watanabe: When I was a student, I attended research meetings with my professors and got to know a lot of people.And when those people go out to society, they can go to counseling.Even if it can't solve it, it will tell you what to do.I think later that I had many such experiences.
Tanaka: Oceanography is a small community.The people I meet in the process of working give me knowledge and new things that I don't know.Personal connections are spread like that.
Professor Shiotani commented, "If you want to become a professional, learn from a professional. I want you to make the most of your personal connections to attract good luck."
Question XNUMX: Do you have any message or advice for people who are about to go out into the world?
Mr. Tanaka: Sometimes what you learn at school is put to good use at work, and sometimes it's not.Even if you go to a new field, I want you to boldly take on challenges.
Mr. Watanabe: People have various possibilities, and their way of life is changing.It is important to keep trying to do your best while expanding your field.I want you to become a threat to our place as soon as possible.
The next workshop will be held on September XNUMXth.
At the end, Professor Takeuchi thanked the two speakers, saying that Mr. Tanaka's "Responding to Change" and Mr. Watanabe's "Knowing the Site" were impressive.
In addition, there was an introduction about the next workshop.
"At the next XNUMXth internship, we will be able to hear about long-term internship experiences and talks from the host company. We are also planning a social gathering. It will be an opportunity to talk with people from various companies, so please participate." With that, today's lecture came to an end.